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Why Social Media Marketing Important For Business

Gone are the days of Traditional marketing (commercials, ads, billboards, flyers, etc.) welcome to the millennial generation who eat, sleep, drink Social. Social Media Marketing is the buzz right now believes it, or not if you run a business, you cannot afford to be on Social Media Platforms.

It just doesn’t matter whether you run a small local grocery store or a national level company, Social Media Marketing are essential for a business marketing strategy.
Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram help you connect with customers, helps in creating awareness for your brand, enables you to gain their trust, and they become your raving fans.

With more than 3 billion people worldwide using social media, it is here to stay and eventually grow with time. If you are not using Social Media for your business or service, and you don’t know how it works, there is no reason to feel intimidated. You can start the process on your own or hire someone proficient in Social Media Marketing and learn along the way.

Types of Social Media

What is the first thing which pops out of your mind when thinking of social media? For us, it is” Facebook”. The giant attracts over 1.3 billion people every day. however, social networking sites Facebook are only one type of various social media platforms we are going to name at least six types of multiple platforms which you can use to boost your online presence.

• Social Networking Sites

We are very familiar with sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, which helps us stay connected with friends & family. They encourage knowledge sharing and human-to-human interactions.
So how can social networking sites help you in business?
These networks have large & diverse communities. You can reach your target audience through ads. Since these sites have a lot of data, you can specify the Age, Gender, Location etc. according to your business, apart from the advertisements, you can engage with like-minded people for your business in groups & communities which help in building connections.

• Social Review Sites

Just take a minute and think what is the first thing you do when you plan to purchase a new product or planning a holiday and need to listen to what previous customers opinions are you head straight to websites like TripAdvisor or yelp sites like these display reviews from members for all sorts of locations and share their experiences, this eliminates the guesswork that goes into booking your next hotel
So how can social review sites help you in business?
Business can benefit from the reviews they are getting from their customers by understanding the customers perspective it helps in understanding what is working and what needs to be worked on, reviews help in solving customers’ problem and engaging with them.

• Video Hosting Sites

Websites like Youtube had definitively changed the way we watch & create videos, gone are the days when we needed fancy types of equipment to make showcase videos. Now you can make a video with the help of your smartphone upload it and let your audience know about your offerings, Platforms like Youtube & Vimeo help creators put together content and share it with the world.
So how can video hosting sites help you in business?
Sites like Youtube help small businesses who don’t have large budgets for advertising share their offerings in the most cost-effective way possible, which helps in gaining trust and loyalty towards your brand from your audience.

• Conversation Sites

Websites like Reddit and Quora are specifically designed to start a conversation regarding anything. These sites have large communities and various sub-topic boards which are helpful if you what you are looking for anybody can ask a question or answer the question asked by other people.
So how can conversation sites help you in business?
A site like Reddit consists of subreddit community, finding the right one helps you get connected with potential customers, finding out what they are asking use these ideas to create content regarding the contemporary issues which will help you in business. Similarly answering questions in Quora can help you establish yourself as an expert in the particular field.

• Media Sharing Sites

Websites like Instagram and Pinterest are the leaders in media sharing since many people are visual learners; it makes a lot of sense to have your business presence on these sites for having engaging audience through media content.
So how can Media Sharing sites help you in business?
With over 1 billion active users for Instagram, it is a great place to share your videos and images with your audience these types of social media sites allows you to give a visual insight into your business.
The Pinterest media platform is excellent for sharing creative ideas, as well as your products. You can share photos that link to posts, recipes, DIY ideas, and more.
If you owned a cake shop, for example, you could post pictures of your arrangements or create pins where people can buy your offerings

• Social Blogging Sites

Blog networks allow you to create content and publish them so that they can discover your business it is one of the best ways to get people familiar with your brand and build engagement.
Blogs increase awareness, visibility and generate leads, but they need constant updation, and they require more work in comparison to other social media platforms.
So how can Blogging sites help you in business?
Well, people use blogs for sharing photos, videos and information. Blogging websites like Medium are great, which covers various topics around the web; social blogs help you reach new readers and provides you with an opportunity of letting them know about your brand.


Well as you can see yourself the various advantages of using social media platforms to boost your business it is essential in today’s time to get that leverage and increase your brand awareness and reach through a variety of platforms.
If you are not sure how to use social media for business we at Bluelinks have a team of experts who can guide you accomplish your endeavours.
Want to learn more about how social media marketing can boost your business and expand your reach to get targeted leads call us today 9818068033, we are always happy to help.