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Why web design is important for business

Web design is important because it gives the first impression of your brand to your potential customers, the experience they get by being on your website can either make them stay on your page or they can bounce onto your competitor. That is why it is always a good idea to invest in the UI/UX for fluid browsing.

Designing a website from scratch or redesigning the old web page consumes a lot of time and a lot of effort which can be daunting for a lot of people, but if you understand the basic structure and essential elements of good web design the return on investment can be phenomenal.

let’s start with why web design is important for business in 2020!


1. It’s the First Point Of Contact

Well, when your audience arrives at your landing page they don’t know your brand or your company with the help of good website design they get to know your brand, it is very essential to have solid first impression for your audience since nobody likes to browse on lousy and outdated kind of website any longer. It is essential to have your landing page quite optimized since the generated traffic may leave your page for your competitor’s page.

After landing on the website, the customer’s first impression about your brand is the deciding factor for them to either stay and learn more about your offerings or bounce back to other websites

A good website design keeps your leads on your page.

2. Helps in S.E.O (Search Engine Strategy)

Having search engine friendly HTML tags not only aids in SEO rankings but also makes it easy for the web crawlers to understand the basic structure of your website.

As far as SEO rankings are concerned, the quality of content is important. But at the same time, how we present that content in terms of it’s designing is a crucial factor for bringing traffic.

If you don’t have any idea how to properly structure a web page there is no reason to feel intimidated you can always hire an agency that will give the top-notch result you are looking for.

3. Attractive Design Leads to Conversion

As the saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words” beautiful and attractive web design is worth each and every penny spent. because the users spend more time, absorbs more information (due to proper placement of elements) regarding your product or offerings which leads to higher chances of getting them converted into clients.

4. Helps to win your users confidence

Having an obsolete designed old school website can deter your image in the eyes of your potential customers. According to the study, 32.3% of visitors bounce when the page speed is 7 seconds as compared to a bounce rate of 9.6% when page speed is 2 seconds.

This happens because the first time visitor does not have the patience to wait for your website to load as they have many other options, therefore, have an updated fast and responsive website actually works in your favour and gains trust of your users.

5. Creating Brand Recognition

When you are creating your brand image for your audience one must keep in mind that the page design across website should be consistent.
while designing the web pages it always best to keep in mind that your colour schemes for layouts, fonts, other design elements etc. across every page in the website should be in harmony which helps in brand recall for your audience.otherwise visitors will bounce from your page to your competitors website (which may be more professional).

You will get more leads and conversions for your business if you design your website keeping these elements in mind.

Website Designing has various elements attached to it. The most important ones are listed below.

If you are a business owner or a service provider, your website is absolutely one of the most important tools you have in your collection to get more – and better – clients and customers. Since now you why web design is important for a business now let us have look at elements that make a top-notch design. Are you wondering about some of the main elements that can turn a good website into one with an excellent UI comprise of?

Here are five key elements you’ll want to include in your website design.


1. Catchy Navigation

The design for your website should be easy to navigate and the menu items should easily accessible from any page. Making sure that the user know where (or on which page) has he/she landed and also from which page have they landed there. Always follow 3 click rule is an unofficial web design rule concerning the design of website navigation.It suggests that a user of a website should be able to find any information with no more than three mouse clicks .A site map is a great idea and will be used if available. You may think it’s not a very important thing to do, but believe me, it can really change the performance of your website. Remember, there is a fine line between an interactive menu and an annoying one, so keeping the functionality should be the idea.

2.Responsive and Mobile Friendly Design

Did you know mobile devices now account for over half (57%) of all organic search engine visits whereas roughly 40% of people search only on a smartphone? also, 3 in 4 smartphone owners turn to mobile search first to address their immediate needs. Going by the study and seeing the growth in mobile devices, responsive design is more important than ever. the traffic to your website will come from a multitude of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. if you want this traffic to stay longer on your website, you must ensure each person has a positive experience. Whether the browser is using a desktop, laptop (of any screen size) or a mobile phone (of any company), a responsive web design will give them the same experience from all devices.

Pro-Tip: to have a successful website design and keep your audience engaged, you must integrate responsive design.

3. Graphics and Visual Design

People are inclined visually as stated a picture can tell a thousand words humans are visual-oriented creatures, so it makes sense to use great graphics to make your website more appealing. As a website owner, you have less than a second to impress your visitor and a potential customer that your website and business is trustworthy and professional. While graphics, pictures and visual elements are great for engagement and breaking up text, some websites go overboard with the images which make their websites crowded and the site feels overwhelming and cluttered keep in mind not to go overboard with the images. try to keep the right balance of readable content and visual elements which gives pleasure and the readers are delighted to visit your website.

4. Consumable Content

This is the basic essence of your website. Visitors always visit the website for your content. They should get the answers to their queries or services according to their needs. And if your content is optimized well for your user’s needs it becomes a major factor for you to rank in SERPs. Your website text should be easy to read, concise and informative.
Writing good copy keeps your audience engaged and decreases bounce rate, try to be innovative in your writing which will help your readers absorb all your information and learn about your business. Maintain your style of writing throughout your website for consistency.

Pro-Tip: The content is the backbone of your website, so it’s necessary for you to provide your visitors with valuable information they need.

5. Search Engine Friendly

What good a website is if there is no traffic? Let’s face it having a website which is optimized for Search Engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo makes absolute sense all website owners must take action to fulfil this endeavour.
Making a beautiful website that can easily give out the information present there with an excellent UI is very important and works well in your favor, till the time it is optimized for search engines. As a web designer, one has to keep in mind the important elements that can give an optimized experience in various browsers like using the HTML tags, alt tags for images, etc. Many technical factors like page speed, title tags, meta descriptions, links, maintaining a hierarchy of the page to name a few affect your search engine rankings and visual appearance of your site, so make sure your web designers or SEO company know their stuff.

Bluelinks will help you create the website of your dreams

Your website’s design plays a vital role in your online presence and marketing campaign’s success. If you want to drive the best results and increase sales for your business, you must invest in designing a website that drives people to learn more about your business. At Bluelinks, we have over 15 years of experience designing search engine friendly websites.

We at Bluelinks provide you complete digital marketing service along with a customized website designed in the most optimized way by our team of experts. They create beautiful working and optimized websites that you will fall in love with.

Contact us for result driven website designing services to grow your business for better ROI.